How to use SSH Terminal in IPTV?
SSH is handy whenever it is necessary to deal with a linux based device and in IPTV case, Enigma 2 boxes. If you have a device like Dreambox, VU+, Gigablue ... you can connect to it via ssh. First, let`s see what are the requirements:
SSH Client to Connect From:
To connect to a linux box, we need a SSH software. Windows users can use a well-known program called Putty which is a free software and can be downloaded from here. On Mac platform we advise vSSH which can be installed from App Store, Lite version is free but if you want to have multiple entries, you need paid for it. There are SSH apps available for both Android and iOS. Generally functionality of all of them are the same and below we`ll explain it.
Linux Based Device and It`s Network Access:
2nd step is to make sure the box to which we are going to cnnect is an Enigma 2 Linux Based Box. Then we need to find out what is the IP address of the box. For that you need to click Menu on remote controller, go to Settings > System Settings > Network > Network Adapter. There you should see the IP address of the box. It is assigned but network router to which this box is connected and since almost all boxes have DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) enabled, each time the device is powered on, it receives a new IP address from the router. Also almost all network routers have the internal private IP range of so IP addresses you would see on adapter settings may look like for example. Default global port number for SSH is 22.
Login Credentials:
One important thing is SSH login details of the box. Normally, username (which is necessary when the terminal asks Login As:) is "root" and password is nothing so you leave it empty and hit enter. This is the normal case but ask your vendor whether they have changed SSH credentials or not.
Proper Network Route:
Your device on which SSH client is opened and your Enigma 2 box should both be connected to the same network router, wired or wirelessly, to receive the same IP range from the router. In other words, source and target device can`t communicate unless they are seeing each other.
Now Let`s Connect:
When we are sure of the necessary requirements explained above, we can connect. Open up SSH client, put receiver box IP address as hostname/server, port as 22 and then click connect. Once Terminal says "Login As", you need to type "root" and for password just leave it empty and hit enter.
Now you can execute commands and scripts. Need a more detailed tutorial? Read this.